My Other Sites
Just a few of the latest additions (need to be sorted)Be sure to check the sorted pages above.
The pages provided here are meant to serve as a resource to provide useful information so it might not look that fancy. These pages were created and are maintained solely by Jim Lubin, who is a C2 quadriplegic, completely paralyzed from the neck down and dependent on a ventilator to breathe, using an keyboard/mouse emulator with a sip and puff switch to type morse codes. This site has been online since 1994. I have been busy with other projects, so this web site might not get updated as frequently as it had been in the past. Information will be updated when I have time. This site can now be reached using the shorter URL www.makoa.org. "Makoa" is a Hawaiian word that means "courageous".
Link to Jim Lubin's Home Page Awards and Recognitions
This site is
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