disABILITY Information and Resources


My Other Sites



Just a few of the latest additions (need to be sorted)

Be sure to check the sorted pages above.
  • Check here for additional new additions
  • A lot more sites to be sorted



    The pages provided here are meant to serve as a resource to provide useful information so it might not look that fancy.

    These pages were created and are maintained solely by Jim Lubin, who is a C2 quadriplegic, completely paralyzed from the neck down and dependent on a ventilator to breathe, using an keyboard/mouse emulator with a sip and puff switch to type morse codes. This site has been online since 1994.

    I have been busy with other projects, so this web site might not get updated as frequently as it had been in the past. Information will be updated when I have time.

    This site can now be reached using the shorter URL www.makoa.org. "Makoa" is a Hawaiian word that means "courageous".

    Link to Jim Lubin's Home Page

    Awards and Recognitions
    I was featured in articles in
    iCan Online,
    New Mobility Magazine,
    SCI Now - Illinois Chapter,
    be sure to check them out!


    This site is
    Best Viewed With Any Browser
    (to allow everyone access to the information contained here)

    Jim Lubin's disAbility Resources
    Best Viewed With Any Browser!
    The #Disabled Channel on NewNet IRC
    Web Access Symbol (for people with disabilities)
    Link to eyegive.com - donate money to your favorite not-for-profit organization
    Support your favorite not-for-profit organization by becoming an iGive member. You can find books, cds, videos, software, office supplies, groceries, gifts, flowers, cookware, greeting cards and more at the iGive Mall.

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    Document: http://makoa.org/index.htm
    Last Modified: Thursday, 27-Feb-2025 09:12:52 PST